This rental program is provided for you in order to assist in the cost of your education. Please respect your fellow students buy abiding by the following guidelines:
Rental book refunds and exchanges follow the same policies as purchased textbooks. If you know you will not need a book you have rented, please return it as soon as possible so it is available to other students who need it. Rental books returned for a refund must be in the same condition as they were rented. New rental books returned in Used condition will result in additional charges. No liquid damage of ANY kind. Keep highlighting and writing to a minimum. No more than 5% of the book may be highlighted or underlined. No missing or torn pages are allowed. If the book you rented has missing pages, please bring it to the bookstore as soon as you notice. Do not wait until the end of the quarter. You will be charged for a replacement book (NEW price) if your rental book is returned in damaged condition as defined above.
Centralia College Textbook Rental Agreement
I am renting and am in receipt of the rental book(s) shown on the receipt. I have paid the rental fee, and understand that the return policies of the store also apply to rental items. I acknowledge that the book, whether new or used, is in good condition or I have had the cashier initial/date said damage. I acknowledge that all rental items remain the property of the Centralia College Bookstore.2. I acknowledge the non-return replacement cost and replacement fee that appear on the receipt.
3. I will return the book to the Bookstore no later than 12:00PM, March 21, 2025. If I ship the book, it must be received at the Bookstore no later than 12:00PM, March 21, 2025 shipping prepaid. Any other return will be rejected. The Bookstore is not responsible for returns shipped to the bookstore via any carrier.
4. I will return the book in good salable condition as determined solely by the Bookstore staff. All CDs and other component parts included with this rental, must be present and in salable condition as determined by the Bookstore staff upon return. Very limited highlighting and margin notes are acceptable.
5. I am responsible for risk of loss from any cause, including theft, lost item(s), or return in unsalable condition, such as damage caused by liquids (rain, snow, coffee, juice, etc.), fire (scorched), chemical spills, tooth marks (rodents, pets, etc.), missing component parts, and spine damage.
6. If I am late or if I fail to return the book, I will pay the Bookstore the non-return replacement cost "Retail Price" and non-return processing fee "Late Fee" as shown on the receipt and any applicable sales taxes, at any time after the rental return due date. I authorize the Bookstore to withdraw/charge the same debit/credit card account that was left as the deposit account to make this payment.
7. I will not exceed the limit or cancel the credit or debit card above until all the rented materials are either returned to the Bookstore or the fees indicated above are paid in full. If my credit card is declined, I understand that a charge will be entered on my student account. Student accounts that remain unpaid will be sent to a collection agency.
8. I authorize Centralia College to deduct any rental related book charges from future Financial Aid disbursements.
9. I may elect to cancel the rental and purchase the book within 14 days of the start of the quarter. No option to purchase the rental book exists after this date.
10. I have provided an SMS (text message) capable cell phone number and I allow the Centralia College Bookstore to send me text messages related to the rental of my textbooks. I understand that my carrier may charge me fees associated with receiving these text messages and that I am solely responsible for these fees.
Please note that the above is not an official copy of the rental agreement. If you would like to rent a book, please visit the Bookstore.